Snowracer Insurance and Benefits Program

Definition of Eligible Participant

An eligible participant means a registered member or volunteer of Snow Australia (Snowracer) who has entered, paid for and participated in an event approved by Snow Australia. The eligible participant is covered under the Snow Australia Liability policy and has access to the benefits program only for the period of the start of the event to the end of the event as determined by Snow Australia.

In the event of an Accident, benefits are payable as follows:


The 2024 season being from 01/05/2024 to 01/05/2025.

Scope of Cover means:

  1. Participating or volunteering in an event approved by Snow Australia. The period of cover is only from the designated start time of the event to the end time as designated by Snow Australia.
  2. Engaged in official warm ups or practice on the day of the event at the specific times as designated by Snow Australia (on course, supervised training only).
  3. Claims will only be considered for injury which results in the individual being declared medically unfit to ski/snowboard for a period of 48 hours after treatment of the injury.

What do the benefits cover?

Sports Injury - Out of Pocket Expenses

Maximum Benefit payable any claim: $500

Benefits up to the Maximum Benefit are as follows:

  1. Event day lift tickets
  2. Event associated accommodation expenses
  3. Event registration fees
  4. Mountain entry fees (event day only)
  5. Repatriation of vehicle or transport costs off the mountain
  6. Ambulance Costs

No other benefits are payable. Limited to one application per individual per snow season as defined in the period above.

How to submit a benefits application! 

If you are injured and that injury falls within the scope of benefits, you will need to:

On the day: Get a medical certificate from the Medical Centre or Ski Patrol confirming the nature and circumstances of your injury*.

*This is very important as the claim will not be valid unless it is accompanied by this certificate.

Where do I get a claim form?

You can submit an online claim HERE

What do I need to attach to the claim form?

You will need to include the following attachments to the claim form:

  1. Medical certificate issued on the day of your injury
  2. Copy of your event registration confirmation
  3. Copies of receipts for any eligible benefits up to a maximum of $500.

Public Liability

Policy Wording

Sum Insured (Limit of Indemnity any one occurrence) for the conduct of the Sport / Activities detailed above is $20,000,000 ($500 Excess)

Underwritten by Sportscover Australia under authority from Sportscover Syndicate 3334 at Lloyd's

The Issuer

Public Liability 

Underwritten by Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s